Dear Reader,

As the summer has started to heat up, so has the running for the next BVNA Council. We were delighted this year to have so many candidates wishing to join, all with very different backgrounds that would add to the diversity of the Council team.

Well the voting ‘lines’ have now closed and I hope all of our members took the opportunity to exercise their ‘decision power’ and voted for their chosen candidates. I wish all the candidates every success and for those unfortunate not to be elected this time, I hope you wish to stand again next year.

As for anyone else who has been inspired by the voting this year and who wants to know what being on Council is all about, why don’t you speak to one of us? Our contact details are available on the website or we will be found at the BVNA congress this year.

This time of year also brings practical examinations and the running of the first Central Qualification and City & Guilds OSCEs. It is such a tense experience for any student nurse – although the joy of finally qualifying puts into perspective some of the nerves of the experience!

For all the students sitting, we wish you luck; but it is also important to remember the skills and techniques you are practising for your OSCEs should stay with you after registration. We should all be striving and working to that standard. You can then pass on your skills and knowledge to the next generation of student VNs.

The countdown has now started for the BVNA’s 40th Congress and this year it is bigger and better than ever – with five different lecture streams running each day and six on the Saturday! This makes it excellent value for your CPD budget and our new venue in Telford has proved to be successful.

For those looking for the more social aspect, there is a Casino night on the Friday and the Saturday night theme is James Bond 007, so a chance to get the dinner suits and dresses out! There is also an amazing student discount at congress, run through your college/ university. If 20 students all want to attend the BVNA Congress, the special price is £25 (+ VAT). See our website or speak to your course leaders for more details.

Finally, I would like to thank all of you who took part in National Veterinary Nurse Awareness Month in May. I was delighted to see so many postings of events going on around the country. It is not easy organising events and making them successful, that is why I was so pleased to see how many of you took up that challenge.


Sam Morgan, CertEd DipAVN(Medical & Surgical) RVN 

Executive Editor

To cite this editorial use either

DOI: 10.1111/vnj.12043 or Veterinary Nursing Journal Vol 28 pp 202

• VOL 28 • July 2013 • Veterinary Nursing Journal