Dear Reader

The excitement has started this month as we begin the final countdown to the 40th BVNA Congress in October. Our office team is extremely busy planning and piecing everything together to make this year’s congress as successful as all its predecessors.

Recently, it has been the task for one of our Council members to summarise the aims of the BVNA in order to advertise them – not just to our membership and the veterinary nursing community, but also to the public as well. It is all too common for people to believe that the BVNA just organises congress and produces this monthly journal. There is, however, so much more that goes on.

Before I joined Council, I was not aware to what extent the BVNA had an involvement in other subcommittees tackling current issues within our profession. I spent my first year’s meetings just listening and then having to come away to research all the different projects and activities going on within the Association. So I thought it might be useful to summarise some of the projects with which the BVNA is involved.

Firstly, we are actively campaigning – along with the RCVS – for veterinary nursing to be a recognised profession. This is a goal uppermost in the mind of every Council member and we are passionate about this aim.

The BVNA also sits on various subcommittees that promote the health and well-being of all animals; such as the LINKS group that promotes the welfare and safety of vulnerable children, animals and adults so that they can be free from violence and abuse.

The BVNA also maintains relationships with other representative and regulatory bodies – so we regularly attend meetings of VN Council, the Practice Standards Scheme, the BVA, BEVA and BSAVA, just to name a few.

Officers from other committees will meet up with the BVNA officers on a regular basis too. Through these meetings we can promote the work of the Veterinary Nurse and speak on behalf of our membership.

It is not just at congress that we provide CPD for veterinary practice staff. I hope you all know your local Regional Coordinator (RCO) who provides your region with various CPD events and speakers; in addition to our bigger and better CPD Roadshows coming to various spots around the UK.

So this is just a small snapshot of what is going on within the BVNA Council for the benefit of its members, supported by the super office team. However, it is the veterinary nurses who are still not members that we need to reach – their involvement would make the BVNA an even stronger force.

I hope you all enjoy our anniversary Congress this year, with its excellent range of lectures, exhibition and social events. Indeed, I am confident you will!


Sam Morgan Cert Ed DipAVN(Medical & Surgical) RVN 

Executive Editor

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DOI: 10 1111/vnj.12060 or Veterinary Nursing Journal Vol 28 pp 270

• VOL 28 • September 2013 • Veterinary Nursing Journal