Dear Reader

This is my last Editorial as Editor-in- chief of the VNJ but I can still very vividly remember sitting down after Congress two years ago and writing my first. It has been an interesting and sometimes challenging post. Faced with a new industry full of its own specific ways and acronyms, I certainly had to learn fast.

I have now overseen the changeover from our previous publishers, through the last six issues of self-publication, to the point where we are ready to begin a new era for the journal with Taylor & Francis.

The team that BVNA put in place to manage the last six-month period has included project manager Nora Naughton, Becky Freeman and editorial assistant Kate Mooney, with amazing support from our office staff, especially Angela Mariconda. I want to thank everyone who has been involved with the VNJ since June and has worked hard to maintain our important membership benefit. You have been wonderful and very patient putting up with me throughout this time!

Despite this period of change, we have maintained the backbone of the VNJ thanks to our Commissioning Editor, Sue Badger. Thank you to you, Sue, for your patience and hard work during this difficult period. Thanks also need to be extended to the VNJ Editorial board, especially Jean Turner who supplies regular news content to keep us up to date.

Forward now to our new future with Taylor & Francis Group. The BVNA is excited about this new partnership and believes that T&F will help us develop the VNJ further. T&F’s logo is the lamp of learning; the image of the lamp has come to represent the search for knowledge and this is exactly where the VNJ wants to head.

Despite the hard work that comes with this position, it’s with a heavy heart that I hand over to Helen Ballantyne as the new Editor-in-chief, but I know Helen is a great addition to the future development of the VNJ. We all eagerly await January 2015’s edition.

There is nothing left to say but to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and send best wishes to you all for 2015. I have not left Council – I now take up the challenges of fulfilling my new role as Junior Vice President with enthusiasm and a desire to continue to do my best for the Association.


Sam Morgan CertEd DipAVN (Medical & Surgical) RVN

To cite this editorial, use either
DOI: 10.1111/vnj.12195 or Veterinary Nursing Journal VOL 29 p374

• VOL 29 • December 2014 • Veterinary Nursing Journal