Dear Reader

Welcome to the May edition of the VNJ. The year is once again flying, the weather is improving and I am very much looking forward towards the Summer. For all those student nurses who read the journal, congratulations on another academic year nearly finished and being a step closer to that RVN title. Another reminder that the BVNA annual congress will soon be upon us once again and that the call for abstracts and registration for the congress are open and can be accessed via the BVNA website.

Whilst reviewing the proofs for this month’s journal, I read with interest the timely piece by Emily Chapman regarding the importance of client compliance and what can influence this. As Emily discusses we are facing a world-wide problem with anti-microbial resistance and as Veterinary professionals we must consider our part in antimicrobial stewardship as part of the one health partnership. I also enjoyed reading the other clinical article in this edition by Emma Clifforde on Chronic Renal Disease in dogs and cats and the anaesthetic considerations. This article contains something for everyone and is great revision of the renal system for anyone revising for anatomy and physiology as well as providing an evidence based approach to anaesthesia in these cases.

The feature articles for this issue are as varied and interesting as ever. I always love to read about the alternatives to UK practice and enjoyed both ‘Vet Nurse Gone Wild’ and ‘Helping horses and donkeys in The Gambia’. We hope that you continue to enjoy the feature articles that the journal provides, alongside the more scientific and evidence based clinical articles. We receive little feedback on the content of the journal, so if you can spare five minutes to tell us what you have enjoyed then we would be very grateful.

As always, I hope that you enjoy this May issue of the VNJ and that you manage a break with a cuppa to sit down and appreciate it.


Sam McMillan BSc(Hons) VTS(Anesthesia/Analgesia) DipAVN RVN

VOL 33 • May 2018 • Veterinary Nursing Journal