Dear Reader 

Well it’s been amazing couple of months, settling into a new job and getting used to all the changes. Moving from 12 years of teaching veterinary nursing students was a difficult decision to make but it was time for a change and for me to face new challenges.

Apparently the one constant in our lives is change. We can go through positive changes such as a new job or graduating, and whilst the change may be stressful, the change will have an overall beneficial impact on our lives. Stress is our body’s way of managing change and this isn’t always a bad thing. The physiological changes that occur during stress help us to prepare for what is about to happen. Whilst short term stress is good, long term, chronic stress can take its toll.

We all face change in different ways and it has definitely helped me that everyone at the BVNA is so welcoming and supportive. It’s important to take time to get to know the people you work with as that supportive network is important for our health and wellbeing. We should all mange our work-life balance better so we can take time for ourselves. How about starting that hobby you’ve always been meaning to do? I’ve recently taken up jogging, well actually it’s more of a shuffling, but it gets me out and about.

Some people find volunteering fulfilling, our feature article describes one nurse’s experience in Ecuador, certainly gives some food for thought about how much we waste in practice. The foal squeezing article gives practical tips on how to perform the Madigan method using a soft cotton rope to mimic the normal birthing process in foals with neonate maladjustment syndrome. As brachycephalic breeds become more popular it is interesting to see what influences people to own one of these breeds.

Take some time to look through the photos of congress, see if you can spot yourself if you attended. It was a fabulous event combining learning and fun. If you are thinking about progressing your career, the ‘Learning Pathways’ may be a consideration for you to achieve additional qualifications.

I hope you enjoy reading this issue. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have ideas of what we can include such as topics for articles, columns or different sections, this is your journal. We would also value more nurses in practice writing for us, contact me if you are thinking about it and we can mentor you through the whole process from idea to publishing.


Nikki Ruedisueli RVN Head of Learning and Development (Editor in Chief)

VOL 34 • December 2019 • Veterinary Nursing Journal