Dear Reader

Well, it has happened; I have got myself a puppy whilst managing a strong willed 2-year-old Staffy. This little ball of cuteness is a peculiar mixture of Bedlington terrier, Saluki and possibly Whippet. I can see you all now, rolling your eyes, smirking and nodding as you know, sometimes these things just have to be done.

After much deliberation, we decided to call her ‘Lily’ although we really wanted to call her ‘Luna’ but we thought it sounded too much like Luci and would confuse him.

What does Luci think I hear you all asking? Well, he moves from very excited to have someone to play with, to annoyed that someone is crawling all over him in an attempt to get him to play, to irritated at having to share some of his favourite toys. To be honest I am proud of him; he is trying very hard to adjust his strength when playing ‘tug of war’. After Lily’s first flying lesson, he now moderates his pulling so she doesn’t become airborne. He walks slowly up and down, trailing the rope so she has chance to get hold of it and has even shared his favourite rabbit with her.

I had forgotten what hard work puppies are and I realise that I now have no excuse if she develops any bad habits, as it will all be my fault.

We have some good articles for you this month to distract you. As you know wound management is a personal favourite of mine so it is great to see an article on this topic from Claire Tompkinson who has shared an amazing case study that inspired her to BSAVA Merit Award in Wound Management.

Lydia Barry explains that feline polyneuropathy is group of diseases that occurs when there is damage or dysfunction of the motor, sensory and autonomic neurons in the peripheral nervous system. She runs through the nursing care of a 6-month-old cat that was brought to her practice with flaccid paraparesis. She discusses how detailed care plans and protocols really help with the nursing care of these patients.

Tasmin MacLennan explains about the use of capnography and how it can be a valuable tool in monitoring anaesthesia. Understanding the readings and the impact on the patient can help to ensure a smooth anaesthetic.

Heather Kirkness discusses the management of cranial cruciate ligament rupture in dogs ranging from conservative to surgical. The post-operative management is critical in a speedy recovery and Heather discusses a variety of techniques including cryotherapy and hydrotherapy.

Jessica Ashby shares her amazing experience volunteering with the critically endangered, Sulawesi Black Crested Macaques in Tasikoki. Unfortunately, they are considered a delicacy and part of the nature reserve’s goal is to educate the local school children to increase their awareness of the importance of wildlife conservation.

Alison Simpson reflects on her experience in holding the OSCE style assessments during the COVID-19. The vet nursing team at Nottingham Trent University managed to arrange the practical exams for the FdSc VN students to enable them to progress and graduate during these difficult times. They set the exams up in the indoor equine centre to allow plenty of space between tasks. Their innovative approach ensured a safe environment for students and staff.

We have had great articles from our student readers on managing stress and anxiety. Amy Lyburn who has recently qualified; shares her experience of how she has overcome anxiety and depression and gives some valuable tips that helped her manage. Flora Foxx reminds us that developing positive coping mechanisms may help to make us more resilient in the future. Jo Johnson from Human Resource Support Consultancy runs through the NHS list of ‘stress busters’, you may find one that works for you. She also discusses the different types of therapies that are available; I know some people don’t like asking for help, but it is really important to get the support you need if you are feeling stressed or anxious. Tilly Styles and Bethan Lovvorn both share their experience on time keeping. Both have some great ideas for helping students keep up with their work without becoming too stressed. Katie Mee talks about the importance of team work and discussing cases with other SVNs. Her practice instigated ‘Huddles’ that became a valuable support mechanism to help students overcome challenges.


Nikki Ruedisueli RVN Head of Learning and Development (Editor in Chief)


DOI: 10.1080/17415349.2020.1810421

• VOL 35 • August 2020 • Veterinary Nursing Journal