Dear Reader

Many VNs are involved in practice management – either as head nurses or practice managers – and in this months VNJ, there are a number of articles which focus on the successful management of veterinary practice.

In the first part of a series on this subject, Ray Girotti considers the cost of running a practice; whilst in another article, Gavin Sinden gives advice on setting up a practice website – an essential marketing and client information tool for todays practices.

As far as clinical matters are concerned, Linda Roberts discusses how VNs can play a vital role in the pain management of oncology patients, and Denise Moore has written an informative article on cataract surgery. ‘Points of View’ focuses on the nutritional management of patients that are suffering from liver disease.

As we continue to celebrate 50 years of the VN qualification, I would like to draw your attention to the write-up in the RCVS News section of the Golden Jubilee celebration of the veterinary nursing qualification, which was held at Belgravia House – home of the RCVS – in June.

This report highlights the progress of the VN qualification throughout the years and the increased recognition and responsibility that the profession has gained through the hard work of veterinary nurses for decades. The special dedication of two veterinary nurses – both qualified for many years – was recognised by the VN Council through the presentation of a new award for ‘exceptional contribution to veterinary nursing’ to Jean Turner and Jill Dent.

Jean and Jill have both made outstanding contributions to the profession for many years. Jean is an associate editor of the VNJ and works tirelessly behind the scenes of the journal each month.

Jill and Jean provide inspiration to other members of the veterinary nursing profession through their commitment to the profession and it is heartening to see this recognised by means of this award.


Helen Field Cert Ed RVN Executive Editor

To cite this editorial use either

DOI 10.1111/j.2045-0648.2011.00070.x or Veterinary Nursing Journal Vol 26 pp 258

• VOL 26 • August 2011 • Veterinary Nursing Journal