Dear Reader

The annual BVNA congress is around the corner. This year’s event will be held on the 7th – 9th October at the Kettering Conference Centre and it will be a vintage year with extended lectures, workshops and commercial exhibition. Not to forget the social events – the Charity Quiz Night in aid of the BVNA charity of the year, The Cinnamon Trust, on the Friday night and the annual fancy dress dinner dance to be held on the Saturday evening.

Congress marks the end of one BVNA Council year and the start of another. This year, Sue Badger will be handing over the presidential reins to Claire Fraser. Sue will step in to the Senior Vice¬president role and will also become reacquainted with the VNj Executive Editor role, as I am standing down from my position on Council. I am delighted to be able to leave readers in Sue’s capable hands, so to speak. I would also like to take the opportunity to wish Claire every success in her presidential year.

In this edition of the VNj, the proposed new BVNA Council Members, Rachel Lumbis and Maz Hopcroft introduce themselves and I am sure that readers will agree that both Rachel and Maz are worthy candidates, who have a wealth of experience and many years in the profession between them. I wish them every success in their future roles on BVNA Council.

As my time on Council draws to a close, I have been reflecting on the last four years as a Council Member and the achievements that the Council has made in this time. It has been a privilege to be part of a body that has consistently promoted the veterinary nursing profession – to the public, to other professional organisations and committees and to the Government. This was particularly highlighted when I spent an (almost sunny!) Sunday on the BVNA stand at the Essex Country Show in September with several Council Members and the Office team. All weekend, the BVNA stand was busy – we were talking to the public about veterinary nursing, carrying out pet health checks and giving careers advice to budding VNs.

I am very grateful to have had the opportunity to be part of the BVNA Council – I have learned a lot and made some great friends along the way. I would urge all readers to consider how they can become involved in their organisation – one which is run by members for members. Perhaps you could run a VN week event, join the RCO team or stand for BVNA Council in the future. The advances over the last 50 years of the veterinary nursing profession must continue and your profession needs you!


Helen Field Cert Ed RVN Executive Editor

To cite this editorial use either

DOI: 10.1111/j.2045-0648.2011.00091.x or Veterinary Nursing Journal Vol 26 pp 338

• VOL 26 • October 2011 • Veterinary Nursing Journal