Dear reader 

The sharp eyed amongst you may have noticed subtle changes are afoot within the VNJ. There are the obvious changes, the ones that came hand in hand with our new publisher, Taylor & Francis, but as our profession continues to adapt and evolve, so too has your journal.

One specific change is that we will no longer be publishing general professional news within the VNJ. For many years, Jean Turner, RVN has been supplying the journal with interesting and relevant news and updates. Jean qualified as a RANA in 1971 and has watched our profession change and develop. There is simply no finer commentator on events within the veterinary profession that involve veterinary nursing. I would like to take this opportunity to thank Jean, on behalf of BVNA council for all her support with the VNJ. Removing the news items from the journal is a reflection of what you, our members have told us. You have said that actually you use other sources for news and you prefer the clinical content of your journal and like to read about the activities of BVNA and how you can get involved. We hope that you will continue to enjoy reading BVNA specific news and remember it is your journal, so please feel free to contribute.

In that line, we are also taking steps to try and encourage veterinary nurses to write up cases, topics of interest or research projects within the pages of the Veterinary Nursing Journal. Writing an article counts towards your CPD hours and looks fantastic on your CV, it’s a clear reflection of your interest, passion and enthusiasm. As our profession moves forward and evidence based practice becomes the norm, so we will all be looking for a specific body of knowledge to review and build on.

Is there a subject you are interested in that you might like to review in more depth? A form of anaesthesia, type of surgery, or medical condition. Would you be happy to share your experiences with others to help us all learn?

If your answer is yes, then the first step is to take a look at our author guidelines which can be accessed through our website. We need your article, plus any photos sent separately and a small biography so that readers can learn about your background. Perhaps as an additional incentive, I can tell you that BVNA council has recently reviewed and increased the financial remuneration that we offer for writing an article. So, writing can benefit your career and your pocket, 2015 could be the year you get published! Take advantage of our lovely long sunny evenings and get your pen and paper out, it’s that simple.

Happy reading and writing.


Helen Ballantyne PG Dip BSc (Hons) RN RVN 


DOI: 10.1080/17415349.2015.1045962

• VOL 30 • July 2015 • Veterinary Nursing Journal