Dear Reader 

Welcome to the November edition of the VNJ – and what a month it has been.

After all the preparation and build up, Congress has now been and gone and I am pleased to say it was another success! Full of great lectures, eager delegates, interesting product stalls in the VN Ave – and who can forget our range of social nights. It’s certainly very different seeing everyone in beautiful ball gowns and fancy dress – a vast difference to our greens!

During BVNA Congress 2019, the BVNA launched its first “Learning Pathway”. This is currently linked to Oral Care, but more will be added, providing BVNA members with a clear direction and purpose for their CPD.

The Oral Care Learning Pathway offers an introduction to the specialism, preferential membership of the specialist association (the BVDA) and access to the specialist CPD it holds. Finally, it offers a handover to the HEI or FE College offering the Level 6/7 training and education which meet the criteria of the new RCVS- accredited post-registration qualification framework. This is an exciting development for our members – making progression simpler for all.

As chair of the BVNA’s Learning and Development Committee, I think this learning pathway model provides a great opportunity to further our knowledge in an ever widening range of possible specialisms. Passion is so important for our role, and nursing a broad topic that gives opportunity to learn all we can. The aim of the learning pathways is to make it easier to access further, specialist education, expand our knowledge and techniques within these specialisms – and provide the best care possible for our patients.

In this edition we have a variety of interesting articles. Paula Bagshaw-Wright Cert VNECC Dip AVN Ncert (A&CC) RVN has written a thought provoking article, “Anaesthesia for feline tracheal avulsion surgery – the nurse’s role” This well written piece explains the signs, symptoms and treatments of this condition and highlights the importance of awareness for this problem. Anaesthesia plays a huge part in our role as nurses and it is vital to know and understand what issues can arise during a procedure.

Robyn Lowe RVN is fighting the fat in her article titled “Obesity in rabbits: tackling the large lagomorphs!” Obesity rates are increasing and this is now becoming even more obvious in our small furries. This in-depth article covers all aspects of rabbit obesity such as symptoms, complications, diet, general husbandry and also appropriate housing. Obesity is not just caused by over eating and it is important that when speaking to owners, we discuss every aspect of care. Look out for more on this in future editions.

With a round up on Congress, the new learning pathways, a variety of articles, testing MCQs and more, this edition is not to be missed. I hope you enjoy it!


Gemma Reeve RVN ISFM Cert FN

Chair of the BVNA Learning and Development Committee

• VOL 34 • November 2019 • Veterinary Nursing Journal