VNJ Articlescareersemploymenthr
23 August 2022
Do I have to attend an investigation meeting? by Nicky Ackerley
An investigation meeting may be a precursor to a formal disciplinary procedure, and it is also often undertaken if a grievance has been received and needs to be investigated or if an employee has made allegations of bullying or if there are potential disciplinary matters being considered against an employee.
Nicky Ackerley BA[Hons]
Nicky is the owner of HR Support Consultancy. She has a BA(Hons) in Business Studies, is a member of the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development and has been a practising HR manager for more than 20 years. HR Support Consultancy has provided the BVNA Members Advisory Service (formerly known as the Industrial Relations Service) since it began in 2002..
To cite this article: Veterinary Nursing Journal • VOL 34 (09) • September 2019 pp223
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