The full minutes are available for members on the BVNA website.

The meeting was held online due to the COVID-19 precautions. When votes are required, members must be on video and raise their hands to show their preference.

1. The minutes of Council Meeting, November 15, 2020 were accepted and agreed as accurate. The President runs through Actions lists to ensure that tasks have been finished or are ongoing.

2. Report of the President

(a) Jo Oakden discussed her report including an update on BVNAs involvement with the Legislative Working Party. This could not be more relevant to our profession! Please make sure you have completed the consultation survey; this is the progression of our profession.

(b) BVNA work with key stakeholders in veterinary industry to publish position statements. BVNA are working alongside BVA in developing position statements around the microchipping consultation currently in progress.

(c) All CMs should consider whether they wish to progress to an Officers role, Jo will hold an informal meeting with CMs to discuss the process and the roles available.

3. Huw Jones (Chief Executive) gave an update of the BVNA finances which was accepted by the Board. The Business plan will include how the association can adapt to the COVID environment to continue to support both members and the wider veterinary nursing profession.

(a) Huw also discussed how BVNA is applying for Environment Sustainability accreditation. He is currently gathering information to demonstrate how the BVNA endeavours to reduce the companies’ carbon footprint to gain this status. It can be expanded around developing our environmental policy as a first step and discussions into council meetings remaining virtual apart from two meetings a year to reduce the council’s carbon footprint.

4. Each meeting the council members (CM) acknowledge and receive new members of the BVNA and remember deceased members as a mark of respect. A specific mention was made for Katie Mead due to the link with mental health and the support that is available for veterinary professionals.

5. Alex Taylor (Vice president) discussed her position in the LINKS group who raise awareness of the link between human and animal abuse. The BVNA will become a member of the group with the benefit for members of access to guidance that is being developed on how veterinary staff can manage non-accidental injuries.

6. Katie Spackman (Head of Membership and Events) requested a decision on the SVN membership review which was unanimous. Watch this space for exciting developments for students.

7. Katie Spackman (Head of Membership and Events) discussed the mentoring scheme being developed to support student members and new graduates. She is creating a comprehensive document to outline the role of mentor and mentee. Again, watch this space for this innovative project launch.

8. Open forum – this allows CMs to ask questions or to bring up topics not on the agenda to discuss.

(a) Provision of bursaries – BVNA currently provides two bursaries to help SVNs and RVNs develop their knowledge and skills base. The Council must agree to providing the bursaries, which was unanimous. Details of how to apply for these bursaries were published in February. We had some amazing applications last year, so have a go.

(b) VN Awareness month is being planned for and this year will be linked to the President’s theme of sustainability. A Task & Finish group has been created to pull together the ideas from members and Council to build the event. This is an opportunity to showcase the VN profession (the highs and the lows) to the public and allied veterinary professionals. The campaign last year was very successful, especially when you consider that the format was changed at short notice due to COVID. Well done to all of you who entered, let us make it an even bigger event this year.

(c) COVID brought a lot of challenges with it, especially with students about to take their End Point Assessments and OSCES. The BVNA spent a lot of time supporting students and educators by directly answering queries, through BMAS (the member support network), facilitating meetings with educators and awarding organisations, talking to the RCVS and acting as liaison between parties. Communication is definitely the key and the BVNA will continue to be involved in supporting and facilitating to support students, educators and new graduates.

9. Next meeting, March 6, 2021.

VOL 36 • May 2021 • Veterinary Nursing Journal