VNJ Articles

Conservation veterinary nursing in Vietnam – Wound management in the Sunda pangolin, Manis javanica by Sophie Sparrow

clinicalpangolinswound dressingswound management

Urinary obstruction in a feline patient: a reflective case study by Tawny E. Kershaw

case studycatheterisationcystocentesisdysuriaemergencyobstructionurinalysis

Webinar Review: A practical approach to nursing care plans Presented by Helen Ballantyne BSc (Hons) PG Dip RN RVN and Samantha Morgan

nursing carereviewwebinar

Introducing Research Bites!

bvna newsresearch

Veterinary Nursing Awareness Month is fast approaching

bvna news

Editorial by Stacey Blease

dear readereditorial

How to write a job application by Nicky Ackerley BA(Hons)


Science in Shorts

researchscience in shorts

Field testing two animal-specific noncontact thermometers on healthy horses by Anne J. Carter, Aleksandra Dimitrova and Emily J.Hall

body temperatureclinicalequineinfrared thermometernon-contact thermometer

Practical Feline Behaviour: Understanding Cat Behaviour and Improving Welfare, written by Trudi Atkinson and Alex Taylor

cat behaviourfelinereview

Editorial by Gemma Reeve

dear readereditorial

Science in shorts

researchscience in shorts

Time-constrained scenario-based practical examinations (TSPEs): an alternative to OSCEs? by Emily J. Hall, Alison Simpson, Heather Imrie and Nicola Ruedisueli

featuresoscespractical examinationtspes

Veterinary nursing: from practice to teaching by Lynne Kerrigan


Brachycephalic anaesthesia, part 1: the pre-anaesthetic period by Courtney Scales and Niamh J. Clancy


Editorial by Wendy Nevins

dear readereditorial