VNJ Articles

Understanding and improving airway management in companion animals – part 1 by Dawn Sheppard

airway managementanaesthesiaclinicalintubation

Editorial by Sam McMillan

dear readereditorial

Time off for sick children by Nicky Ackerley



bvna news

Capnography: a guide for veterinary nurses by Paula Bagshaw-Wright


Using checklists in veterinary nursing: what can human healthcare teach us? by Helen Ballantyne

checklistscommunicationfeatureshuman factorsne healthpatient safetyteamwork


bvna news

What is TUPE and what does it mean for me? by Nicky Ackerley


Science in Shorts

researchscience in shorts

Editorial by Stacey Blease

dear readereditorial

Nursing patients with a corneal graft and the use of a subpalpebral lavage system by Sian Woodham-Davies

clinicalcorneal graftophthalmology nursing

Understanding and improving airway management in companion animals – Part 2 by Dawn Sheppard

airway managementanaesthesiaclinicalv-gel® supraglottic airway device

Hospital-acquired infections in the veterinary establishment by Alison Mann

clinicalhaihand hygieneinfectionsrisk factors

Bullying and disillusionment in veterinary nursing by Suzanne Bedford and Emma Anscombe-Skirrow

bullyingclinicaldisillusionmentmental health

An introduction to change management theory for veterinary nurses: part one by Helen Ballantyne

change managementchange modelsclinicalclinical governanceimplementation of change

A review of current literature regarding the factors affecting recovery rates after routine surgery in rabbits – part 2 by Amber Rose Foote

clinicalliterature reviewmortality ratesperi-operative carerabbit