VNJ Articles

Science in Shorts

researchscience in shorts

Wellbeing at Work by Nicky Ackerley


Pain in birds: a review for veterinary nurses by Aneesa Malik and Adina Valentine

analgesiabirdsclinicalpainpain assessment

Sixteen tips for getting started in practice based research by Louise A. Buckley and Stephen C. Mansbridge


Seizures in companion animals by Daniella Sines

clinicalquality of lifeseizuresside effectsstatus epilepticusveterinary nurse

Editorial by Sam McMillan

dear readereditorial

Science in Shorts

researchscience in shorts

Your Responsibility for Health and Safety at Work by Nicky Ackerley


How to encourage management of feline obesity in practice by Louise Brennan

body condition scoring (bcs)caloriesclinicalinteractive feedingobesityresources

Introduction of a sepsis bundle in the ICU and ER: a case-based discussion by Katherine Gray

clinicalsepsisveterinary practise

The past is our future by Simon Dean Johnson


One Health is smokin’ – national coverage around smoking cessation


Science in Shorts

researchscience in shorts

My employer wants to change the hours I work by Nicky Ackerley


Editorial by Sam Morgan

dear readereditorial

Carry on … Student Vet Nursing by Anne Nonny

humourvet nursing