VNJ Articles

Hydrotherapy and physiotherapy: what the RVN should know by Rebecca Winter


Haemoabdomen. Part II: Surgery and postoperative care by Kiara Mills and Elizabeth M. Welsh

clinicalhaemoabdomenpostoperative care

Should I attend an Investigation Meeting? by Nicky Ackerley


Editorial by Sue Badger

dear readereditorial

Science in Shorts

researchscience in shorts

The Animal Welfare Foundation and the RVN’s role in welfare by Sophie Beckwith

animal welfarefeaturervn role

Getting the best result at the end using animal hospice by Susan Gregersen

animal hospiceclinicalend of life

The veterinary nurse’s role in nursing an equine surgical colic patient by Catherine Lane

clinicalnurse rolesurgical colic

Science in Shorts

researchscience in shorts

Nursing the artificial airway patient by Helen Silver

artificial airwayclinicalcomplications

Moving towards being “cat friendly”: a case study by Gemma Abraham

case studycat friendlyfeature

Owners’ abilities to recognise and comprehend signs or displays of aggression in their canine companions outwith the home environment by Emma Joanne Campbell

aggressionclinicalhome environment

Post-operative pain assessment in dogs by Steven Murphy

clinicaldogspain assessment

Personal Relationships at Work by Nicky Ackerley


Editorial by Sam Morgan

dear readereditorial

Science in Shorts

researchscience in shorts