VNJ Articles

To clip or not to clip? A study on the necessity of clipping before venepuncture

Pain in ferrets: a review for veterinary nurses Part 2 Management of pain in hospitalised ferrets
anaesthesiaanalgesiaferretpain managementsedation

Managing intracranial pressure in a cat undergoing a craniotomy to remove a meningioma A case study and nursing care analysis
craniotomyend-tidal carbon dioxideintracranial pressuremean arterial pressurepartial pressure of carbon dioxide

The emergency and critical care of a feline patient being treated for aortic thromboembolism A case study and nursing care analysis
aortic thromboembolismbilateral hindlimb paraplegiaemergency and critical carehindlimb ataxiahypertrophic cardiomyopathysupportive care

Management of canine hypocalcaemia caused by primary hypoparathyroidism
bradycardiahypocalcaemiahypoparathyroidismseizure management

Harnessing a dog’s potential A review of common dog restraints
chest harnesscollarcontroldoghalterhead collarY harness

Change in the law on sexual harassment in the workplace. New preventative duty introduced on employers to protect employees
duty of caresexual harassmentsexual harassment law

Pain in ferrets: a review for veterinary nurses Part 1 Assessment of pain in ferrets
behaviourferrethandlingpainpain assessmentpain recognition

Care of a seizuring brachycephalic dog with aspiration pneumonia. A case study and patient care proposal
aspirationbrachycephalicfluid therapymentationoxygenpneumoniaseizure

Managing in-patient stress A case study and nursing care analysis

The impact of sole-charge veterinary nursing on patient care
burnoutcarecompassion fatiguenursingpatientretentionstaff