ABSTRACT: The initial section of this article discusses the indications for blood transfusions, cross-matching and blood typing in dogs and cats. The second part explains blood collection, including volumes, and illustrates common calculation formulae used in blood product therapy, rates of administration, correct handling and warming of blood components, likely causes of transfusion reactions plus clinical signs and treatment.


Sarah Louise Day BSc (Hons) VNS NCert. (A&CC) RVN MBVNA

Sarah registered as a Veterinary Nurse in 2004 and spent several years working in both primary care and referral practice before obtaining a Degree in Veterinary Nursing Science in 2010.

She acquired the ESVPS Veterinary Nurses Certificate in Anaesthesia and Critical Care in 2011 and is currently studying towards the ESVPS Certificate in Practice Management and Administration.

Sarah is now senior ward veterinary nurse practitioner and ward assistant team manager at Anderson Moores Veterinary Specialists.

Keywords: Clinical, Dogs, Transfusion

To cite this article: Veterinary Nursing Journal • VOL 29 (05) • May 2014 • pp170-174

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