ABSTRACT: With the firework season looming, followed closely by Christmas and New Year, we must think about how our pets will react to the loud noises and bright lights. This article outlines the practical steps that owners can take to help their pets throughout the party season and. in turn, help prevent fears from turning into phobias.

Fear can be considered a healthy response to loud noises because it triggers the body’s natural response to potential danger. However, if a rational fear turns into an irrational phobia, it can become a problem for owners as well as a welfare issue for pets.


Emma Rixon, RVN

Emma trained and qualified at the Moor Cottage Veterinary Hospital in Berkshire where she later became a head nurse. Her main passion is in animal welfare and behaviour, which is something she hopes to develop in her new role as technical adviser for Ceva Animal Health.

Keywords: Feature, Bangs

To cite this article: Veterinary Nursing Journal • VOL 28 (10) • October 2013 • pp330-331

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