ABSTRACT: This paper aims to identify the barriers affecting black, Asian and minority ethnic (BAME) students’ access to, and attainment in, veterinary higher education in the UK. This will help acknowledge and understand why the veterinary sector is the least diverse profession in the UK (Gyles, 2018), with veterinary nursing being worse than veterinary medicine. In Part 2, the barriers identified from a literature review of eight studies will be discussed with potential solutions. The main themes will be exposure, pathways, isolation/marginalisation, the learning environment and teaching styles.
Keywords: BAME, veterinary education, diversity, attainment, anti-racism, Black Lives Matter

Author: Ciar Pembroke has always had an interest in animals. She studied animal management at Shuttleworth College before completing a bachelor’s degree in veterinary nursing at Middlesex University in She is now enrolled in the post registration programme at Davies Veterinary Specialists.

ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3082-6562

To cite this article: VNJ (2) May 2022 pp 54-58

DOI: 10.56496/LTFF7187

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