Author: Carla Husband, PGCert AVN (ECC), BSc (Hons), RVN. Carla graduated from the University of Bristol in 2020 and joined Bath Vet Referrals as a referral veterinary nurse. She finished her postgraduate certificate in emergency and critical care at the Royal Veterinary College in November 2023. Carla loves many aspects of her job but has a particular interest in internal medicine and emergency care. She regularly delivers cardiopulmonary resuscitation training to internal staff and practices across the south west. She also works for the RCVS, sitting on panels for university accreditations to ensure high quality student training.

ABSTRACT A young male Labrador retriever presented with muscle twitching, hindlimb paresis and ataxia. On examination, an initial diagnosis was hypocalcaemia, and calcium supplementation was provided. Intensive nursing care was necessary to ensure frequent monitoring for bradycardia and seizure activity. The treatment plan improved the patient’s condition and he was discharged with regular reviews. This article is based on a case report written by the author as part of her coursework for a postgraduate certificate in advanced veterinary nursing. In addition to reflecting on the case, the author aims to provide
an understanding of calcium supplementation, monitoring bradycardia and managing seizures, which are key components in the nursing care of patients with hypocalcaemia.
Keywords hypocalcaemia, hypoparathyroidism, bradycardia, seizure management


To cite this article: Husband, C. (2025) Management of canine hypocalcaemia caused by primary hypoparathyroidism. VNJ 40(1) pp24-29.

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