ABSTRACT: Sadly, despite being the third most popular pet in Britain, rabbits are still one of the most neglected domestic animals (Rabbit Welfare Association, ND). Many owners simply aren’t aware of how to care for rabbits appropriately and the common misconceptions that rabbits belong in hutches and live off muesli and carrots are outdated.

If fundamental steps are followed and we remember exactly what a rabbit is, then enriching their environment and providing them with both mental and physical stimulation need not be challenging. Veterinary nurses are in an excellent position to help educate rabbit owners on their pets’ species-specific environmental needs.


Claire Speight RVN A1 C&G Cert in Veterinary Nursing of Exotic Species

Claire qualified as a veterinary nurse in 2007 and gained the C&G Certificate in Nursing Exotics in 2009. Claire works as a senior nurse at Kettering Vets4Pets, and lectures to veterinary nurses and owners on rabbit care. She is also editor of the Rabbit Welfare Association’s magazine, Rabbiting On. www.rabbitwelfare.co.uk

Keywords: Clinical, Environmental, Pet rabbits 

To cite this article: Veterinary Nursing Journal • VOL 31 (05) • May 2016 pp144-148

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