ABSTRACT: This is the second of a two-part series of articles, the first part dealt with diagnosis and patient stabilisation. This article discusses intra- and post-operative care, including anaesthesia, the surgery itself and post-operative management.


Jennifer McGinnity MVB MRCVS

Jennifer graduated from University College, Dublin, in 2015 and works as a rotating intern at Vets-Now Referrals (Glasgow Hospital). She has a special interest in small animal surgery

Elizabeth M. Welsh BVMS PhD Cert VA CertSAS MRCVS

Liz graduated from the University of Glasgow Veterinary School in 1989. She works forVets-Now Referrals (Glasgow Hospital) as a referral clinician in soft tissue surgery.

Keywords: Clinical, Volvulus, Gastric dilatation 

To cite this article: Veterinary Nursing Journal • VOL 31 (07) • July 2016 pp213-215

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