Dear Reader

October is a great month for the BVNA; it’s the month of our amazing Annual Congress!

As usual the BVNA staff have worked extremely hard in preparing for this event, and I would like to thank everyone that has been involved.

It is always such a great event; it provides fantastic CPD across many differing subject areas, as well as providing great networking opportunities, opportunities to catch up with friends and colleagues, and to also make new friends. The latest industry products and services on offer are exhibited here too, so it’s well worth exploring.

Whether you are qualified, student, new to the profession or a receptionist, the BVNA Congress offers outstanding CPD for the whole team!

As I step into the shoes of my Presidential predecessors’ I know I have a lot to live up to. Following on from Sam is not going to be easy; I’m very fortunate to have her next to me as Senior Vice President. Thank you in advance Sam!

I am extremely excited and honoured to be your President.

In everything that I will do for the BVNA, I will ask myself the following:

Is this the right thing for our profession?

Is this the right thing for animal welfare?

Is this the right thing for our members?

There are so many potential changes and challenges ahead, with the possible review of Schedule 3 and the still unknown implications of Brexit; it is important that as a profession we have a strong coherent voice.

The BVNA is the only representative body for Veterinary Nurses. We need to Step Up and Speak Up to ensure we shape the future of the Veterinary Nursing Profession.

I am really looking forward to the next 12 months, and to being a part of the future of Veterinary Nursing.


Wendy Nevins RVN BVNA President

VOL 32 • October 2017 • Veterinary Nursing Journal