ABSTRACT: The aim of this article is to provide veterinary nurses with 16 tips to help get them started in practice-based research. It covers key areas that the veterinary nurse should consider before undertaking a research project in order to improve the chances of the study being a meaningful and publishable contribution to the evidence base underpinning veterinary nursing practice.


Louise A. Buckley BSc (Hons), BA (Hons), PG Cert (TLHEP), PGDip, PhD, FHEA, RVN

Louise is an experienced RVN with research interests in animal behaviour and welfare. She has a PhD in poultry behaviour and divides her time between veterinary nursing, research and education-related activities. She is passionate about nurses engaging more with research.

Email: louisebuckleydyson@msn.com

Stephen C. Mansbridge BSc (Hons), PhD, FHEA, MRSB, R.Anim.Sci

Stephen is an accredited animal scientist and senior lecturer in animal science and bioinformatics. He holds a PhD in pig gut health and nu
trition, working both in academia and industry to improve knowledge and applications for the animal and veterinary sectors.

Keywords: Research, Features 

To cite this article: Veterinary Nursing Journal • VOL 33 (01) • January 2018 pp30-32

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