ABSTRACT: Perineural anaesthesia of the equine distal limb is commonly performed in lameness investigations to localise the source of pain. These nerve blocks do not generally indicate the specific structure(s) involved in the lameness, thus their interpretation requires skill. Commonly performed blocks include: palmar/plantar digital nerve block, abaxial sesamoid nerve block, low 4-point/6- point nerve block and subcarpal/subtarsal nerve blocks.

This article will discuss basic perineural anaesthesia of limb regions distal to the carpometacarpal and tarsometatarsal joints in horses.


Anne Schreier Dr.vet.Med, MRCVS

Anne was born and raised in Germany From a very early age she wanted to become a veterinary surgeon.

She graduated in 2014 from Szent Istvan University in Hungary. Her first job as a vet was at Pferdeklinik Hochmoor in Germany From 2015 to 2017 she was an Intern at Rossdales Equine Hospital and Diagnostic Centre, in Newmarket, England. She is now working as a clinician at Pferdeklinik Sottrum in Germany specialising in internal medicine and orthopaedics. Anne is presently working towards a qualification as an Equine Veterinary Specialist (Fachtierarzt fur Pferde) in Germany Email: anne.schreier@gmx.de

Keywords: Clinical, Equine, Carpometacarpal 

To cite this article: Veterinary Nursing Journal • VOL 33 (03) • March 2018 pp83-85 

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