What are you planning?

Veterinary Nursing Awareness Month (VNAM) was originally launched by BVNA in 2005 as a National VN Day. This then progressed into National VN Week and in 2012 onto the annual monthly campaign it is today.

The campaign has always had the same message throughout; join us in spreading the word about the importance of the role of the veterinary nurse and the provision of responsible pet care to the general public.

Each year we see a steady increase of veterinary practices, colleges and related industries throughout the UK getting involved. Last years campaign saw some excellent events being arranged, including school roadshows, a careers evening, some amazing waiting room displays and more!

There are some great resources that can help you promote VNAM within your practice.

BVNA packs can be downloaded by registering via our website 

Included in our packs this year will be a template press release for you to adapt and send to your local press. It can be a great way to increase footfall into the practice especially if you promote a special offer just for May! We are also encouraging nurses to contact local radio and TV stations to highlight the variety of their role both in practice and in the community.

2017 Best Event Winner

How about attending a local fete, country show or pet show? Or providing a talk to local schools and clubs? This can be a great way to raise public awareness of the importance of vet nurses and get exposure for your clinic too. If you are a nurse that is not working in practice, don't worry! We welcome those working in industry and education to also take part in VNAM as it helps showcase the many alternative roles available to RVN's.

You will find your FREE copy of the official VNAM poster enclosed within this issue of the VNJ

This year we are continuing the theme of #whatVNsdo by asking nurses to share information and examples of just how varied their role can be, however we also have 2 new social media initiatives. Firstly, we are asking vets and colleagues to celebrate their nurses by taking a short video that says "I could not live without my RVN because…" and sharing their reasons along with the hashtag #whatVNsdo. Secondly, we are asking the public to 'Snap a Selfie' with a vet nurse and share this along with the hashtag #VNAM18. Maybe you could set up a selfie area in your practice as part of your awareness board?

Make sure you follow the VNAM Facebook page as we will be posting regularly from now until June. These posts are perfect for sharing on your clinic's pages and in newsletters. You can also share them on your personal page to make sure all your friends know what makes nurses so special.


Be sure to add our new Twibbon to your Facebook and Twitter profile pictures for May. This simple image sits over the top of your existing photo and shows your support for the campaign.

Veterinary Nursing Awareness Month is your chance to reach out to a wider public audience and to educate people on what it is you do. Veterinary nurses need recognition for the profession so let's get out there, have fun and make it happen!

We look forward to seeing all your efforts this year, be sure to share them with us so that we can help highlight all your hard work.

Veterinary Nursing Journal • VOL 33 • April 2018