Dear Reader

Welcome to the June edition of the VNJ. It is almost time for some well-earned summer sunshine, and for the students among us this signifies the much- needed break from university or college. Some of you will be beginning to think about your undergraduate project for your final year and this month’s edition will hopefully get you ahead of the game with a must read by Louise Buckley and Stephen Mansbridge to help you get started with your dissertation. We hope that this will also provide an excellent starting point for VN educators to sign post their students towards.

I have found myself wondering why more Veterinary Nurses, Student Nurses, Practice Managers, etc. don’t write for the Veterinary Nursing Journal – is it because you don’t think you can? Or because you don’t think anyone would be interested in what you have to say? Maybe you have an idea but have never written an article before, and essays or coursework from college seems a distant memory? We can and want to help – we encourage new writers and are willing to help and mentor you with producing your article. I firmly believe that there is an article in all of you that is just waiting to get out. Clinical articles can sometimes be a daunting starting point and it may be that a case study, opinion piece, hot topic or feature is more suited as an initial voyage into the publishing world. Contact us with your ideas and enthusiasm and we will help guide you. I would also ask you to support the association that has truly become the voice of the Veterinary Nursing profession, the British Veterinary Nursing Association. The VNJ is the journal of the BVNA and is truly dedicated to providing an outlet for the voice of the profession, and to promoting the standing of Veterinary Nursing. Please therefore consider writing for the journal at the heart of your profession rather than some of the other journals that are purely commercial.

Whilst reviewing the proofs for this month’s journal, I have very much enjoyed the thought-provoking piece by Ashleigh Bourne, which draws on her research into the public perception of registered veterinary nurses. I also enjoyed the emphasis on rabbit friendly practice by Claire Speight. I find it a privilege to edit the journal and, despite overseeing the review process, I relish opportunity each month to review the final proofs for the edition and am often in awe at how far the journal has come and at the amazing articles that our authors provide for us each month. Thank you all for giving the journal the variety that makes it such a breath of fresh air to read each month.

We let you know recently that we would be trialling an expanded Science in Shorts section – this has been a resounding success and will continue every few months or so, do let us know (as always) if you are continuing to enjoy this feature.


Sam McMillan BSc(Hons) VTS(Anesthesia/Analgesia) DipAVN RVN

VOL 33 • June 2018 • Veterinary Nursing Journal