ABSTRACT: The British Association of Veterinary Nursing Students (BAVNS) was developed to provide support to student veterinary nurses across the UK in all and any concerns during the course of their training. Promoting student contribution to the profession through VN Voice and article writing for the Veterinary Nursing Journal, BAVNS also hosts the Friday night social at BVNA Congress, helping to provide a strong network between the country’s veterinary nursing students, where the unity of veterinary professionals is one of our underpinning goals.


Suzanne Bedford

Suzanne is a third-year SVN studying the foundation degree at Sparsholt College, Hampshire. She joined the BVNA as a Student Council Member in 2016 and is passionate about encouraging student contribution to the development of the profession. Her main interests include anatomy and emergency and critical care.

Email: sbedford3@sky.com

Keywords: BAVNS; student; council

To cite this article: Veterinary Nursing Journal • VOL 33 (08) • August 2018 pp239-240

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