Dear Reader

Wishing you a very warm welcome to the September edition of the Veterinary Nursing Journal. This is my first ‘Dear Reader’ because I have taken over from Sam McMillan as the Editor-in- Chief for the VNJ. I would like to thank Sam on behalf of the BVNA staff, Council and members for all her hard work and dedication over the past three years. I am aware that I have big shoes to fill and thankfully I have the wonderful support of the Editorial Board Members and BVNA Officers who are listed on the contents page of every journal publication. In addition, the newly formed Learning and Development Committee, consisting of BVNA Council Members, Sam Morgan, Gemma Reeve,

Jo Hinde and Gareth McCormack and Tom Reilly, who is the chair person for the committee, will provide valuable assistance. I am also very lucky to be working closely with Lisa Brett, Operations Assistant and Angie Mariconda, Operations Manager. Their vast experience working for the BVNA will continue to be invaluable.

Who am I and how did I get here?! I graduated from the University of Liverpool Veterinary School with an intercalated master’s degree from the Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies. After spending a short amount of time in practice, I started a PhD at Harper Adams University focusing on dairy herd health planning. During my PhD, I became passionate about knowledge transfer through lecturing to students and providing farmer workshops. After completing my PhD, I was the Programme Manager at The Webinar Vet and also spent time in practice with White Cross Vets. Last year I was appointed as a trustee for the charity, Animal Welfare Foundation. I will use my experience from practice, research and education to help me in the new role of Head of Learning and Development at the BVNA. I will be responsible for the congress scientific programme, CPD and the VNJ but as I mentioned earlier, it’s a team effort! If you would like share any ideas you may have, I’d really like to hear from you. Also, if you would like to write an article on a topic you are passionate about or an interesting case study for the VNJ, please do get in touch. My email address is

I am looking forward to my first BVNA Congress next month. I hope that you are joining us! There’s lots to look forward to with a diverse scientific programme, practical workshops, the exhibition and social events including the sold out Harry Potter themed quiz night in association with BAVNS on Friday 12 October and a masquerade ball on Saturday evening.


Stacey Blease BVSc MVetSci PhD MRCVS

VOL 33 • September 2018 • Veterinary Nursing Journal