Full House

The BVNA Council will be returned to full strength at the AGM in October. At that meeting, Council will recommend to its members two Council members to join the Officer team – Jo Hinde as nominee for Junior Vice President and Jo Oakden the nominee for Honorary Secretary.

Wendy Nevins said:

"A return to a full complement of Officers is really welcome. Our previous post holders stepped down for family and work reasons but the workload we face, representing members' interests as an Association remains as busy as ever. The two Jo's bring great strength to the team and considerable skill. Having a "full house" again will be a great help for the year ahead."

Council is also recommending a second term for President Wendy Nevins, Senior Vice President Sam Morgan and Honorary Treasurer Erika Feilberg.

Robin Millar, the BVNA's Strategic Director explained:

"These are the recommendations of Council, for approval by members at the BVNA's AGM in October. In discussion Members recognised it is still a young council and the Association is still going through the later stages of our transition so continuity was an important factor in their thinking."

The BVNA's Advisory Committee supported the decision making process. The involvement of the Advisory Committee is a new step in the Presidential nomination process, identifying suitable Presidential candidates, introduced at last year's AGM.

The BVNA is holding elections currently for three vacancies on Council. The successful candidates will also join Council at the AGM.

Wendy added:

"I am really pleased with these developments. We are running elections, have a full Officer team and have identified potential future Presidential candidates. Nursing teaches us to cope with many things, but representing members' interests in meetings, before senior decision makers and to external bodies is a different kind of challenge. Having a full-strength Council and Officer team broadens the experience and the skills we can draw on."

VOL 33 • September 2018 • Veterinary Nursing Journal