Dear Reader

Happy New Year! I hope that you managed to find some time to relax over the festive season. The start of a new year is often the time to reflect on the previous year and initiate any changes in the coming year. What would you like to progress towards in 2019 and could the BVNA help?

In this issue of the VNJ, you will find an update on the role of regional representatives (previously known as regional coordinators) from my colleagues, Nina Holmes and Robin Millar. There has been a period of reviewing this area of support from the BVNA but planning is underway for regional events which we will communicate with you in due course. Perhaps this is something that you would like to become more involved with in your region?

I am pleased to inform you that the sessions filmed during BVNA Congress 2018 are now available to view on the VN Knowledge webinar platform. In addition, we have webinars from Jo Hinde and Louise Welsh which have recently been uploaded on rabbit care in practice and blood pressure measurement respectively. Speaking of webinars, Samantha Morgan (BVNA’s SVP) has kindly provided a review of Richard Doyle’s webinar on ultrasonography which is also available on the VN Knowledge platform, a BVNA membership benefit.

In terms of the peer-reviewed articles in this issue, Robyn Lowe discusses chronic pain management in rabbits. Sian Woodham-Davies provides an overview concerning patient selection, diagnostic tests prior to surgery, surgery preparation and post-operative care in relation to canine cataract surgery. In the features section, Joanna Korn shares her experience of her nursing adventure in India caring for animals injured during a kite festival.

Have you always been tempted to write an article for the VNJ? Do you have an interesting case study you would like to share? Do you have an idea you would like to research in your workplace and communicate the results with your peers? Have you been on a nursing adventure and would like to share your experience? If you answered yes to any of those questions, please share your ideas with me via email and together we can discuss your ideas and what you might need to consider before researching an idea or submitting an article. In addition, I am fortunate to have the opportunity to work with editorial board members who are passionate about the VNJ and are happy to mentor new authors through the process.

Wishing you all the best for 2019!


Stacey Blease BVSc MVetSci PhD MRCVS Editor-in-chief

VOL 34 • January 2019 • Veterinary Nursing Journal