Dear Reader 

I always think of Congress as a time of change. Our new Council members join, our President changes, we follow through on the months’ worth of Congress planning, and then start anew.

It’s a new start for me, too, as I return to Canada after 10 years in Britain. I admired the British veterinary nursing profession before I even came here, and now I am very proud to say I have been a part of it, and worked with so many of you both in clinical practice and in the professional politics sphere. Nursing has a real history here: the tree is firmly rooted and the branches are growing higher and higher.

This year is bringing another change at VNJ, which is our new Editor-in-Chief, Nikki Ruedisueli. Nikki will be joining us as the new Head of Learning and Development and Editor-in-Chief of VNJ.

Nikki says:

“One of the first things I’ll be looking at is the impact that veterinary nurses have in clinical practice and your help will be invaluable with this. The standard of veterinary nursing has increased dramatically over recent years and nurses have kept pace with the added responsibilities expected of them. Veterinary nurses are an integral part of the veterinary team and contribute to the overall standard of patient care. What can we do as a profession to increase awareness of our role both within the veterinary industry and with clients? How much do you think you influence standards in your practice?

Take some time to reflect on your role within practice and what you want to change in the future. Be a part of developing the veterinary nursing profession of the future. I am very excited at this opportunity work with the BVNA team in representing the nursing profession.”

This issue certainly reflects Nikki’s sentiments on the breadth and standard of care. We have a clinical piece that completes a series on brachycephalic anaesthesia, another on cerebrospinal fluid, and finally, a literature review on burnout and fatigue within the profession. Please also take a read of the clinical abstracts that will be presented at Congress, as they are being included in the VNJ for the first time ever in advance of Congress.

Please help me welcome Nikki, and come say hi at the BVNA stand. Cheers to change, pride, and Congress!


Megan Whitehead, RVN Interim Editor

VOL 34 • October 2019 • Veterinary Nursing Journal