ABSTRACT: Arterial blood gas analysis is an important diagnostic tool in the management of sick equine neonates. Interpreting results and understanding their relevance is a useful skill for any nurse undertaking care of neonates. Relevant up to date research is scarce, meaning information often has to be extrapolated from small animal and human medical research and applied to equine patients. However, with a structured and methodical approach to interpretation, results can be effectively utilised to tailor care and improve outcomes.


Sarah Baillie BSc (Hons) REVN DipAVN (equine)

After 2 years as a nursing groom at Liphook Equine Hospital, Sarah relocated to Aberdeenshire and worked at Ardene House Veterinary Hospital where she qualified as an REVN and became head equine nurse. Sarah subsequently completed the RCVS diploma in advanced veterinary nursing and went on to obtain a BSc (honors) and was awarded the Robert Allen memorial award for her dissertation on skin preparation for joint injection. While at Ardene House, Sarah developed an interest in equine internal medicine and in particular, equine neonatal intensive care. She also worked two stud seasons as a neonatal intensive care nurse at Scone Equine Hospital in Australia, and a season each at Hagyard Equine Medical Institute in Kentucky and Rossdales Equine Hospital in Newmarket. Sarah is now an internal medicine nurse responsible for the ICU at Rainbow Equine Hospital in North Yorkshire.

Keywords: Equine; neonate; foal; arterial; blood; gas; analysis

To cite this article: Veterinary Nursing Journal • VOL 35 (01) • January 2020 pp09-12

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