Postoperative regurgitation after upper airway surgery in brachycephalic dogs

Joy Fenner and others, Dick White Referrals, and Six Mile Bottom, Cambridgeshire

Brachycephalic obstructive airway syndrome is a condition affecting short-nosed dog breeds that will often require surgery to alleviate the clinical signs. Postoperative regurgitation is a recognised complication of BOAS surgery and is likely to have a negative impact on morbidity and mortality rates. The authors investigated the prevalence and risk factors for postoperative regurgitation in 258 dogs treated at a referral centre over a four-year period. Their findings confirm that corrective surgery for BOAS was associated with a marked increase in the incidence of regurgitation. Younger dogs and those with a previous history of regurgitation were predisposed to experiencing this complication. Due to this increased frequency of regurgitation in the 24 hours following surgery, particularly in younger animals, the authors suggest there is a need to counsel the owners about this risk.

Veterinary Surgery 49 (1), 53-60

Evaluation of a point-of-care system for detecting dogs with hypercoagulability

Daiki Kato and others, University of Tokyo, Japan

A hypercoagulable state may be observed in dogs with a range of underlying diseases and will contribute to an increased risk of thrombosis. The authors evaluate the clinical utility of a chemiluminescent enzyme immunoassay (CLEIA) method for the point-of-care measurement of canine plasma thrombin-antithrombin complete concentration, an early stage marker of hypercoagulability The method was tested in 54 healthy dogs and 72 animals with various diseases and the results showed a good correlation with those using the standard ELISA-based laboratory test. Their findings suggest that the CLEIA assay may allow the early detection of at-risk dogs in emergency and critical care settings.

Journal of Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care

Client perceptions of the value of a pre-anaesthetic consultation before elective surgery

Ashley Mitek and others, University of Illinois, Urbana

In human hospitals, it has become standard practice for an anaesthesiologist or registered nurse anaesthetist to provide a pre-anaesthetic consultation to patients about to undergo elective surgery, or for the parents of paediatric patients. It allows a clinician to explain the anaesthetic process and has been associated with positive outcomes. The authors investigated the response to a pre-anaesthetic consultation of dog owners whose pets were to undergo elective orthopaedic surgery. They found that participating in a consultation was associated with more positive perceptions of the role of the anaesthesiologist and greater understanding of the anaesthesia plan for their dog.

Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association 255(10), 1143—1149

Post adoption outcomes for cats and kittens rehomed from an animal shelter

Carolyn Gates and others, Massey University Palmerston North, New Zealand

Behavioural problems or chronic illness are potential reasons why pet owners might regret obtaining a pet from a rescue centre. The authors investigated the frequency of such problems in 115 kittens and 155 adult cats adopted from an Auckland animal shelter. When surveyed one week and one month later, many adopters reported health and/or behavioural issues in their new pet. But these were usually mild and the owners were generally satisfied with their animals. Providing new owners with advice on issues such as upper respiratory disease or scratching behaviour may improve satisfaction with adoptions.

New Zealand Veterinary Journal 68(1), 38—45

High-flow oxygen therapy in the management of dyspnoeic dogs

Celine Pouzot-Nevoret and others, University of Lyons, France

Supplemental oxygen administration is the first supportive measure provided to dyspnoeic dogs upon admission to an emergency facility. The authors describe the clinical results when using high-flow oxygen therapy delivered through a nasal cannula in II dogs that failed to respond to conventional non-invasive oxygen supplementation therapy. They say that this study is the first report in the veterinary literature to demonstrate that high-flow oxygen therapy can deliver effective oxygenation and comfort with minimal complications in dyspnoeic dogs.

Journal of Small Animal Practice 60(11), 656—662

A health-related quality of life tool for assessing dogs with Cushing’s syndrome

Imogen Schofield and others, Royal Veterinary College, Potters Bar

Cushing's disease in dogs causes a broad range of clinical signs, including polyuria/polydipsia, muscle atrophy and hypertension, which can all adversely affect the pet's quality of life. The authors developed a questionnaire to be completed by the owner for assessing the impact of this syndrome on the health of the animal and its relationship with the owner. They conclude that the tool is effective in quantifying the health-related quality of life of dogs with Cushing's syndrome and should prove useful in helping veterinary staff to carry out clinical assessments of these patients.

Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine 33(6), 2595—2604

DOI: 10.1080/17415349.2020.1739944

• VOL 35 • May 2020 • Veterinary Nursing Journal