Dear Reader

Who can believe that we are already halfway through the year! This year has been strange for all of us and as we start to return to the normal work force, it is perhaps a good time to reflect on what is important in our lives. It will feel weird for all those who have been furloughed returning to work with those who have been in practice throughout the pandemic.

What is great about the veterinary industry is that we all know how to work well as a team. Be patient with each other and remember that we have all had different challenges to deal with in the last few months.

As you can see, Sophie is still not impressed with Luci and is refusing to listen to any negotiations.

I hope you can take time to sit, drink a cup of tea and relax whilst reading this month’s issue. We have lots of great articles which will hopefully distract you for a while.

Samantha Feighery gives some useful advice on nursing foals with diarrhoea, I had no idea how many actually suffered with this. Council member, Alex Taylor has reviewed current literature on how to handle and restrain cats. This is a personal passion of hers, and I think we are all starting to become aware of the “less is more” approach with our feline patients, it really does make a difference.

As it is rabbit awareness month, we have two articles for you; one from SVN, April Murphy who is describing a rabbit patient who came to her practice for a hind leg amputation. She reminds us of the importance of reflection and research to improve patient experience. Our second article is by Amber Foote who gives an evidence-based approach to recognising and managing stress in rabbits. I am certainly more mindful of not lifting them up if I can help it and not bending over them to administer medication.

Our student council member, Charlotte Wood, is giving great advice on how to be organised as a student, but to be fair, we could all probably apply some of her hints in our own daily lives.

Candice Drew shares her amazing experience of helping out after the Australian bush fires in part one of her articles. She describes her day in the sweltering temperatures as the veterinary team try to help the indigenous wildlife. Look out for part two in the next issue.

I know you will have heard by now that BVNA Congress is not going ahead as normal this year, but trust me when I say, the celebration event ‘This is Us’ is going to be amazing. You won’t believe what fun and frolics we have planned for you. Make sure you save the date, 9-11 October, 2020 and we will tease you with more information as time goes by.

I hope you enjoy this issue, and please do not hesitate to contact me with any article ideas you may have. I would especially like to hear from any equine nurses for content in our January issue. The deadline for submission of articles is the beginning of September, so get writing.


Nikki Ruedisueli RVN Head of Learning and Development (Editor in Chief)



VOL 35 • June 2020 • Veterinary Nursing Journal