Dear Reader

The last time I wrote a Dear Reader piece for the VNJ I was heading into the last 6-weeks of my presidency; this time I am heading towards the end of my time on council and I can’t believe how quickly the time has passed!

I joined the BVNA back in October 2016, and to say a lot has happened since then is an understatement on so many levels; personally, professionally and globally! When officers were asked to write the Dear Reader piece for this edition, I thought that it would be fitting for me to do so as in this issue we are introducing the new council members. Although I will not be serving with them, I would like to extend a very warm welcome to them all. It was great to see another highly contested, 4th consecutive election, and I really enjoyed hosting the ‘Meet the Candidates Webinar’. I would also like to say congratulations to the new officer team who will be ratified at the AGM: Alex Taylor as the incoming Junior Vice President, Samantha Payne as the incoming Honorary Secretary and Albert Holgate as the incoming Treasurer. I have enjoyed working with them on council and wish them every success in their new roles. It will be great to see a return to a full council as this broadens the experience and the skills that can be drawn upon.

As I write this, the current lockdown restrictions are being gradually lifted. We can now get our hair cut, gyms are reopening in the next day or two, and mask wearing is mandatory in many areas of the UK. Although I will be wearing a mask, going to the hairdressers or the gym isn’t a priority for me, but then to be honest they never have been, even before lockdown! It is important that we all take time to realise that things are changing and that some people find change harder than others. Please try to support the people around you, whether they have been working at their jobs flat-out during the last 4 months or so, struggling with working from home, home schooling children, being furloughed and also shielding – we have all faced challenges, and I am sure there will be more to come.

This edition of the VNJ, is once again filled with some fantastic articles. There are a wide range of topics such as “Supportive care of the hospitalised laminitic horse; Nursing considerations for wildlife in practice; Nursing considerations of the obese patient”, and “What is lactate and why do we measure it?”. We also have our student section in which time management is covered and the ways that SVNs can work together in practice to support each other are also discussed. I hope you enjoy them.

I am looking forward to reading Part 2 of “Out of the ashes” by Candice Drew, where she takes us through a day at the sanctuary, nursing and treating the wildlife injured by the Australian fires.

It is great to see so many articles in this edition and thanks must go to the all the writers and also to the BVNA staff involved in all the work that goes on behind the scenes with putting together our Journal. Producing a journal at this time has been particularly difficult so thank you to all involved.

If you have something that you would like to contribute to the journal such as a clinical or non-clinical article, peer reviewed, or opinion piece, please just get in touch.

We are as focused as ever on what we can do to help you be better as a veterinary nurse and in your role. Do let us know what you think of this edition – thank you all for your regular comments, encouragement and helpful criticism. We value it all.

I have really enjoyed my time on council, and I urge anyone considering standing in future elections to go for it!


Wendy Nevins Senior Vice President, BVNA Council Owner, Malex Consulting Ltd.


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• VOL 35 • July 2020 • Veterinary Nursing Journal