Burnout in veterinary technicians working in specialty teaching hospitals

Galina Hayes and others, Cornell University Ithaca, New York

Burnout is characterised by emotional exhaustion and feelings of detachment and a lack of accomplishment. In veterinary staff, it is associated with perceived medical errors, depression and a desire to change career. The authors investigated the frequency of this phenomenon in veterinary technicians (i.e., vet nurses) working at four major US teaching hospitals. They found the proportion of vet techs reporting signs of burnout was higher than that recorded in human nursing staff. They suggest that work-related interventions to reduce burnout should focus on improving supervisor relationships and maintaining an appropriate patient:care giver ratio.

Journal of Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care 30(1), 18-27

Accuracy of a flash glucose monitoring system in dogs with diabetic ketoacidosis

Eleonora Malerba and others, University of Bologna, Italy

Diabetic ketoacidosis is the most common life-threatening complication of diabetes mellitus. Monitoring of hospitalised patients during treatment will usually require regular blood sampling to measure blood glucose. This can lead to iatrogenic anaemia in small patients, or the need for a venous catheter that may result in infection or inflammation.The authors assessed a factory-calibrated flash glucose monitoring system which measures glucose levels in the interstitial fluid through a sensor placed under the skin. Glucose levels are displayed when the sensor is wirelessly scanned ("flashed”) with a reader device, on demand. There was good agreement between measurements of interstitial fluid glucose and the results from standard blood sampling. Changes in metabolic variables and body condition score did not appear to affect the accuracy of the system.

Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine 34(1), 83-91

Maternal behaviour in dogs and potential areas for future research

Natalia Santos and others, National Veterinary School, Maisons- Alfort, France

While selective breeding of dogs has produced substantial variation in form between different breeds, its impact on basic instincts such as maternal behaviour appears to have been minimal. The authors review current knowledge on the repertoire of maternal behaviour and its effects on the development of the puppies. They conclude that the longterm effects of mother-puppy interactions on the puppy's behaviour as an adult are still poorly understood, despite their importance for breeders wanting to prevent future behavioural problems.

Journal of Small Animal Practice 61 (2), 85-92

Effects of an ultraviolet germicidal irradiation technology on aerosolised pathogens

Jennifer Pearce-Walker and others, University of Arizona, Tucson

Animals housed in settings, like veterinary practices, where they may share living space with many other animals can be exposed to contaminated fomites and aerosolised pathogens. The authors investigated the effects of a UV germicidal irradiation system in reducing concentrations of viable aerosolised microorganisms in a simulated heating, ventilation and air-conditioning system. Their results suggest a potential benefit from supplementing manual disinfection practices with UVGI-based air cleaning systems in an animal care environment.

American Journal of Veterinary Research 81 (6), 506-513

Postoperative complications in brachycephalic dogs undergoing corrective surgery

Barbara Lindsay and others, Veterinary Specialist Services, Underwood, Queensland

The increase in popularity of brachycephalic dogs has been matched by a growing number of cases seen in veterinary practices requiring corrective surgery for respiratory problems. The authors recorded the incidence of postoperative complications among 248 dogs treated for brachycephalic airway syndrome. Fifty-eight dogs (23.4%) had complications including dyspnoea of varying severity, aspiration pneumonia and respiratory or cardiac arrest. They suggest that patients should be closely monitored for at least 24 h following surgery.

Australian Veterinary Journal 98(5), 173-180

Use of cold therapy for pain relief in companion animal practice

Bonnie Wright and others, Mistral Vet, Johnstown, Colorado

Applying ice to relieve pain has been part of human medical practice for centuries but there has been renewed interest in the analgesic effects of cold with our growing appreciation of the value of multimodal pain control. The authors examine the physiological effects of cold on tissues, receptors and ion channels and review the use of cold therapy as a non-pharmacologic analgesia option. In highlighting the indications and limitations of this approach, they suggest that ice therapy is a valuable addition to the analgesic toolbox.

Journal of Small Animal Practice 61 (5), 267-271

Nutrition and nutraceuticals in the management of canine and feline osteoarthritis

Karie Johnson and others, University of Illinois, Urbana

Osteoarthritis is a common, painful and progressive disease affecting up to 90 per cent of dogs and cats by late middle age. A multimodal treatment is generally recommended for its treatment including analgesia, behavioural changes and weight loss. The authors review the evidence on the efficacy of nutritional and nutraceutical treatments in cats and dogs with osteoarthritis. They argue that the easiest way for veterinarians and clients to address the problem of osteoarthritis in pets is through the use of therapeutic diets formulated to promote joint health.

Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association 256(12), 1335-1341

Effect of a topical fluorescence biomodulation system on wound healing

Alberto Salvaggio and others, University of Camerino, Italy

Fluorescence biomodulation involves using light-absorbing molecules to convert light emitted by diodes into wavelengths that penetrate the skin and stimulate healing. The authors used a novel product (Phovia; Klox Technologies, Dublin) which features a blue LED lamp and a carbopol-based amorphous hydrogel as the topical photoconverter Used in dogs undergoing orthopaedic surgery the technique improved re-epithelialisation, decreased dermal inflammation and enhanced matrix formation. This appears to have been achieved by regulating the expression of key mediators, including FGF-2 (fibroblast growth factor-2).

Veterinary Surgery 49(4), 719-727

Pain-related behaviour in cats before and after treatment for oral disease

Ryota Watanabe and others, University of Montreal, Canada

Specific behaviours associated with pain resulting from oral dis-ease in cats have not been studied closely before. The authors filmed 24 cats before and after receiving dental treatment and the videos were assessed by a certified behaviourist. The study identified pain-induced behaviours that may be used as indicators of acute pain in cats. Overall cats with severe oral disease were less active, less playful and had more difficulty in dealing with dried food.

BMC Veterinary Research 16, 100

Negative fungal culture and mycological cure in shelter cats with dermatophytos

Rebecca Stuntebeck and Karen Moriello, University of Wisconsin, Madison

Mycological cure in patients with dermatophytosis due to Microsporumcanis infection is usually considered to result from two successive negative cultures taken at two-week intervals. The authors investigated how frequently the first negative culture was followed by a reemergence of disease in a retrospective review of 371 shelter cats. In cats from shelters where there was good compliance with environmental cleaning, as well as following topical and systemic treatment recommendations, there were no signs of new lesions. In this situation, it may not be necessary to carry out a second consecutive negative fungal culture before determining that the treatment has achieved a mycological cure.

Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery 22(6), 598-601

Ocular damage caused by supplementary heating in housed New Zealand geckos

Brett Gartrell and others, Massey University New Zealand

Gradual onset of ocular opacity was noted in eight geckos (three gold-striped and five Pacific geckos) kept in adjacent terrariums at a zoological institution in New Zealand. For four weeks at the end of winter a ceramic heating bulb had been added to the normal ultraviolet light. All the geckos had bilateral lesions of varying severity to the spectacle or eye cap which was found to be associated with thermal injuries. The lesions in the Pacific geckos responded well to topical antimicrobial treatment but all the gold-striped geckos died or were euthanased.

New Zealand Veterinary Journal 68(2), 1-16

Impact of veterinary staff’s clothing on the trust, comfort and confidence of pet owners

Jason Coe and others, University of Guelph, Canada

A positive relationship between veterinary staff and their clients is crucial to promoting client compliance and maintaining good patient care. The authors investigated the effects of the appearance of staff on the trust, confidence and comfort of pet owners. When shown pictures of clinical staff wearing different types of work clothes, pet owners showed a preference for those staff dressed in surgical scrubs. Clients' comfort scores were lowest when presented with photographs of staff wearing more formal dress while trust and confidence were lowest when staff were wearing a casual shirt and jeans.

Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association 256(11), 1268-1276

Veterinary Nursing Journal • VOL 35 • August 2020 •