ABSTRACT: This publication will suggest techniques that can be implemented to
manage time more effectively whilst studying to become a Registered Veterinary
Nurse. The article will suggest improvements that are based on experience gained
over nine years of being in education


Bethan Lovvorn SVN

Bethan Lovvorn is a degree student entering her final year at Nottingham Trent University. For the past two years she has worked in a first opinion practice during her placement blocks but is approaching a change into referral practice for her final year. Bethan is passionate about Oncology, Critical Care and Palliative support for both patients and owners. In the future she hopes to complete advanced certificates in oncology and aid in the education of future students.

Email: bethanlovvorn1999@gmail.com

Keywords: student section; time keeping; organisation

To cite this article: Veterinary Nursing Journal • VOL 35 (08) • August 2020 pp219

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