The RCVS Council has unanimously approved the introduction of a disciplinary system for registered veterinary nurses (RVNs) from April next year.

There had been some dispute about whether an RVN found guilty of serious professional misconduct could be removed from the statutory List (and thus be barred from carrying out Schedule 3 tasks), or just the non-statutory Register.

Following legal advice, Council and VN Council decided to opt for the latter, on the proviso that any VNs removed from the Register would be clearly identified on the List, and that veterinary surgeons would be advised against delegating Schedule 3 tasks to them, via the Guide to Professional Conduct

Council also confirmed that it would seek an amendment to Schedule 3 as soon as possible, to enable it to remove the names of nurses found guilty of serious professional misconduct from the List.

“The Veterinary Nurses Council is committed to moving towards statutory regulation for veterinary nurses," says VN Council chairman, Liz Branscombe. “This non-statutory commitment to a disciplinary system is our chance to show government and the public that we are ready and willing to be regulated, which should stand us in good stead for the future."

The RVN disciplinary system will mirror that for veterinary surgeons, with the same complaints-handling, investigation and decision-making processes and sanctions.

Registered Veterinary Nurses will receive more detailed information about the system from the College over the coming

Nursing Progress Log finds favour

The new RCVS Level 3 Diploma in Veterinary Nursing has now been launched, and feedback so far has been good, particularly with regards to the new Nursing Progress Log (NPL) – the online recording system which replaced the old portfolio.

So far, 600 students are enrolled onto the NPL – about two- thirds of whom are new students, and the rest transferring from the NVQ.

“Feedback from our students has been very positive," says Carol Thompson, Head of Centre at Newcastle College, one of the VN training centres using the new system. “Students have found the NPL easy to use, despite a few teething problems, which I am sure will be ironed out. When asked if they preferred it to the portfolio, it was a resounding ‘Yes’!"

Veterinary Nursing Journal • VOL 25 • No12 • December 2010 •