Dear Reader,

Mention the words ‘service centre’ and the majority of us relive frustrating hours of listening to piped Mozart, or trying to explain the simplest of requests to someone, thousands of miles away, who clearly hasn’t a clue about – or any interest in – what we are talking about!

What a contrast it is then when we find someone who understands the subject concerning us and who, through shared experience and genuine concern, can offer help, support and advice quickly and efficiently at the very time we need it.

I was reminded of this at the BSAVA Congress as I stood watching Angie and Lisa handling enquiries from a seemingly endless stream of delegates to the BVNA stand. And by the end of the show, 1 in every 30 of the 1,820 nursing delegates had signed up as new members! Not a bad hit rate that – and due recognition of the brilliant service provided by the Association for veterinary nurses at all stages of their careers.

At a time when things are tough financially and veterinary nurses are having to make some hard decisions about the way they spend their money, BVNA membership begins to look more like an essential investment rather than an additional cost.

There cannot be many other professional organisations that offer the level of political representation, legal advice and employment support, the CPD opportunities, the discounted rates on services and insurances, to say nothing of bursaries and a world-class journal, all for just 77 pence per week! And even that will soon be recouped from all the benefits above.

So good news like this is not something to keep quiet about. Share it with your colleagues and encourage them to invest in BVNA membership too. When job security and personal finances are under pressure, it makes sound professional and economic sense. And guaranteed there will be no piped Mozart on the end of the line, only real people working in an organisation run by veterinary nurses for veterinary nurses.


David Watson BVetMed MA MRCVS 


To cite this editorial use either

DOI: 10.1111/j.2045-0648.2010.00038.x or Veterinary Nursing Journal Vol 126 pp142

• VOL 26 • May 2011 • Veterinary Nursing Journal