We are seeking feedback on a new draft Code of Professional Conduct for Veterinary Nurses, which would replace the existing RCVS Guide to Professional Conduct for Veterinary Nurses.

The new code would be the benchmark for professional conduct against which registered veterinary nurses are measured in any hearings on serious professional misconduct held by the recently-introduced VN Disciplinary Committee. So its critical that we get it right, and we want your views.

The draft has been developed by a review group which also produced a draft code for veterinary surgeons. The purpose of the review is to ensure that guidance to the profession and the public is clear – for example, using consistent language to distinguish between what must be done and what is advised.

The new code is a short, principles-based document, using the Federation of Veterinarians in Europe’s Code of Conduct as the starting point. It will be supported by additional advice on specific areas of veterinary practice or issues – for example, clinical governance.

The new code, together with the consultation paper, can be downloaded at www.rcvs.org.uk/VNcodeconsultation. Comments should be sent by e-mail to Christopher Murdoch, Secretary to the Guides Review Working Party, c.murdoch@rcvs.org.uk, by Friday 21st October 2011. 

Register now available

The RCVS List of Veterinary Nurses, incorporating the Register. 2017, is now available and has been mailed to all those included in it.

The publication, which uses data correct as of 16th May 2011, includes 8,270 Registered Veterinary Nurses (RVNs) leaving 1,543 on the List. This means that 84 per cent of eligible VNs have now registered – an excellent result in this, the professions 50th anniversary year. You can check the most up-to-date information on RCVSonline: www.rcvs.org.uk /registration/check-the-register-list

BVNA Congress

If you are visiting the BVNA Congress this year, come and help us celebrate 50 years of veterinary nursing at the RCVS stand – share your memories of the past half century and your hopes for the decades to come!

Also, this year saw the introduction of the disciplinary system for RVNs. If you have any questions about what this means for you, then join VN Council chairman, Liz Branscombe, who will be delivering a talk entitled ‘Disciplinary hearings and the VN: the procedure and what you can do’ at 14.40 on Saturday 8th October.

The mixed practice pathway for the Level 3 Diploma in Veterinary Nursing is now available – come and find out more.

Finally, we will be unveiling the new RVN badge, which will be awarded to all those who have qualified since 4th July 2011, and can be purchased by other registered veterinary nurses. Come to the stand for more details. 


House of Commons event

As part of this year’s Golden Jubilee celebrations, Roger Gale MP is hosting an afternoon reception in the House of Commons on Tuesday 11th October on behalf of the College. The event aims to celebrate the profession’s achievements and underline the need for statutory regulation for veterinary nursing. There will be some free tickets available on a first-come, first-served basis. To register your interest, please contact Fiona Harcourt, f.harcourt@rcvs.org.uk

Veterinary Nursing Journal • VOL 26 • September 2011 •