The Nursing Progress Log is heading for Europe, with news that the RCVS Veterinary Nursing Department has won a bid for Leonardo da Vinci funding to develop the online recording tool on the continent.

We will be leading a ‘Transfer of Innovation’ project, starting this autumn, to introduce clinical coach training and an electronic system of recording practical nursing skills teaching and competence to six European partner schools.

The project, dubbed the Veterinary European Clinical Training and  Assessment Record (VECTAR), will explore how best the recording tool, and the training of practice-based mentors, can be developed in the partner schools. It will be overseen by the Federation of European Companion Animal Veterinary Associations (FECAVA), which means that European veterinary employers will have a direct link to the project throughout.

“The development is a two-way process and we hope to gain from the experience of our European colleagues in developing and improving the NPL, and accessible training and support for clinical coaches,” says Libby Earle, RCVS head of veterinary nursing 

Had your say?

If you have not yet given us your opinion on the draft new Code of Professional Conduct for Veterinary Nurses, don’t delay! The consultation closes on Friday 21st October. The new draft Code is lined up to replace the existing Guide to Professional Conduct and is markedly different in style and format, so please take time to read the documentation ( and let us have your views. 

BVNA Congress

Don’t forget to visit the RCVS stand in the gallery area at the BVNA Congress. To help celebrate 50 years of veterinary nursing, we are running a quiz about 1961 – if you take part you will be entered into a draw for £50 shopping vouchers, and also come away with a chocolate medallion bearing the new RVN badge, being launched at the event.

Also, this year saw the introduction of the disciplinary system for RVNs, and VN Council Chairman, Liz Branscombe, will be delivering a talk entitled Disciplinary hearings and the VN: the procedure and what you can do’ on Saturday 8th October, at 14.40.

We will also be at the London Vet Show on 24th – 25th November. 

The competition has two categories: adult (16 and over) and junior (under 16). First prize in each category is £200 in photography vouchers, second prize is £100 in photography vouchers and third prize is £50 in photography vouchers.

Veterinary Nursing Journal • VOL 26 • October 2011 •