Dear Reader

By now those of you who attended BSAVA Congress should have recovered from the weekend. No doubt you will all have overdosed’ on the excellent CPD on offer, not to mention the social events – judging by the images in David Watsons review it would appear that a good time was had by all! Don’t forget that you can now register online for our own Congress and benefit from the early bird discount; so although October seems like a lifetime away don’t delay as it will be here before you know it!

Spring is certainly here now. I can vouch for that as Easter has come and gone complete with its long tradition of the rainy Bank Holiday Monday. Whilst at the stables last week, which are high up on the Mendip hills with views of the Bristol Channel and the mystery that is Wales beyond, 1 saw my first pair of swallows – a sight to lift the spirits and set the mind thinking of Summer holidays.

Apparently 2012 is the year to holiday in the UK as there is so much to look forward to, not least the Royal Jubilee. I trust that you will all be taking part in local activities – in fact why not bring the celebrations into the practice? Clients would no doubt relish the prospect of attending puppy parties or nurse consultations run by individuals dressed in red, white and blue and sporting a tiara! Having said that, you may of course want to save your efforts for National VN Month. Details of the BVNA packs and prize categories can be found in this month’s issue along with this year’s poster for you to display in the waiting room.

I well remember working in mixed practice and enjoying the interaction with the farmers both in the practice and on the farm when I went out on visits. The cow Caesar often resulted in a call for one of the nurses to assist, initially by ferrying the ‘Caesar Kit’ out to the farm, which was generally at the back of beyond, and then to scrub up and lay instruments out on a green drape, usually on a conveniently placed straw bale. With the best will in the world, sterility was often hinted at rather than achieved and if called upon to assist, the nurse needed strong arms and an ability to keep out of the way of the odd stray kick!

This month’s VNJ considers the role of the veterinary nurse in farm animal practice; indeed Fiona Mullen’s article explores the role and asks if there is a need for a formal qualification in large animal veterinary nursing in the UK. Fiona Lord describes her experience of assisting with bovine Caesarean Sections and from a personal perspective. It’s interesting to note that little has changed apart from the restraint!

I’m off to look for more signs that Spring is here, although I might wait until the rain has stopped first!


Sue Badger MEd CertEd VN Executive Editor

To cite this editorial use either

DOI : 10.1111/j 2045-0648 2012.00168.x or Veterinary Nursing Journal Vol 27 pp 158

• VOL 27 • May 2012 • Veterinary Nursing Journal