ABSTRACT: It has been estimated there are in excess of 11,000 stray dogs living in the city of Sarajevo in Bosnia. With a human population of around 370,000 this works out at one dog for every 33 people. With no population control methods in place and that number rising by the day, Dogs Trust UK was keen to put in place a programme that could address this ever-growing problem. This article reviews the role played by a veterinary nurse in this programme.


Hayley Walters RVN

Hayley has been a veterinary nurse for 17 years. She spent 10 years in mixed animal practice before moving to China to work for Animals Asia, a charity that rescues bears from bile farms. She now works at The Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies and splits her time between animal welfare work in the UK and overseas for the Jeanne Manchig International Centre for Animal Welfare Education (JMICAWE) and assisting in anaesthesia in its purpose-built small animal teaching hospital.

Keywords: Feature, Neutering, Dogs

To cite this article: Veterinary Nursing Journal • VOL 28 (09) • September  2013 • pp298-300

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