ABSTRACT: With compulsory microchipping fast approaching, more and more of your clients will have questions to ask regarding microchips, databases and just how they are of benefit should their pet get lost or stolen. Are you confident you can answer all these questions?

Research shows that the reunification’ process is perceived to be a complicated issue for both pet owners and veterinary professionals. This article is designed to give you the facts to help you guide your clients through the process.


Beverley Hammond, BA(Hons)

Beverley graduated from Leeds Metropolitan University with a BA(Hons) Business Studies Degree and, following a brief role with a PR agency, has worked in product marketing roles for the last nine years. She has been working with Animalcare Ltd as Product Manager for idENTICHIP and Anibase since February 2012.

Keywords: Features, Facts, Microchip

To cite this article: Veterinary Nursing Journal • VOL 28 (10) • October 2013 • pp333-335

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