ABSTRACT: This article outlines the experiences of a UK veterinary nurse undertaking a nine-week locum teaching position at Ross University School of Veterinary Medicine in St Kitts in the Caribbean. Teaching involved professional and communication skills education across seven semesters of pre-clinical students, and included large-group teaching using the ‘flipped classroom’ technique, and small-group work using simulated clients. The author also assisted with clinical teaching in the clinical skills lab, and physical examination and handling of canine patients.


Jill Macdonald DipAVN (Surg) RVN FHEA MBVNA

Jill has worked as a head nurse in small animal practice, trained and assessed veterinary nurses, worked at the University of Liverpool School of Veterinary Science in education, and now runs ONCORE ePD, which provides online CPD for veterinary nurses. In her spare time she still locums’ as a veterinary nurse.

Keywords: Feature, Beach, Teach

To cite this article: Veterinary Nursing Journal • VOL 29 (04) • April 2014 • pp138-141

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