Dear Reader

Here we are in May and we find ourselves in National Veterinary Nursing Awareness Month (NVNAM).

For anyone who is not aware, the aim of NVNAM is to increase public knowledge of the veterinary nursing profession – a chance for us to show how proud we are of our skill set and our profession. We can take the time to show just what we have studied for; or, indeed, still are studying for, and encourage a respect for the position we hold within the veterinary team.

I also think to do this we ourselves must appreciate just what it is we are working towards and why it is important to have a sense of pride in our profession. This is also true of other professions within the practice; for example the role of the veterinary surgeon and the receptionist.

My students – as part of induction into college – are required to research and write an assignment on the role of the veterinary surgeon and the veterinary nurse. They are asked to detail the responsibilities of each role and the importance of professionalism for each.

It is interesting the perceptions these students have and the information that can be found on each role. Maybe each of our readers should just have a quick reflection on what they believe their role is within the veterinary practice and if they are achieving it?

I hope we are now seeing the times change where the VN role was considered merely of just a glorified coffee maker, animal holder and general cleaner. I have lost count of the number of times I have been asked if I am going to be a vet when I “grow up”. My ideal would be that these awareness months will project a true image of the VN into each client, each prospective vet or VN for the future, so that we can be respected for the hard work and study each of us undertakes in our roles.

Another aspect of NVNAM is to show the range of jobs a veterinary nurse can undertake – not only in general practice or hospitals, but also from zoo medicine, conservation and charity work through to sales representatives and teachers/ lecturers. At the careers evenings I have attended, students and parents alike have been interested to find out just where the qualification can take them.

We are at the dawn of professional recognition for our chosen career. It is a very exciting place to be and it’s not about being elitist or closed doors – it is simply about recognition for what we have achieved and what we do in the way of further studies and CPD to maintain our skills.

No matter what you are doing for NVNMA, I thank you on behalf of the BVNA. And don’t forget to let us know what you achieved during this month and enter into our competition. Your ideas and achievements will maybe inspire others to take part next year.

Happy National Veterinary Nursing Awareness Month!


Sam Morgan, CertEd DipAVN(Medical & Surgical) RVN 

Executive Editor

To cite this editorial use either

DOI: 10.1111/vnj.12135 or Veterinary Nursing Journal VOL 29 pp 146

• VOL 29 • May 2014 • Veterinary Nursing Journal