Dear Reader

Things always change for the better, and we firmly believe this as the VNJ heads into a new era. Some keen-eyed readers will have noticed that there is no Wiley logo on the front of this issue, and this is because the VNJ is taking a new direction. The BVNA is in the process of changing publishers and we will bring you more news when it happens. For the rest of the year, however, the VNJ will continue to be available on the Wiley online platform and can be accessed through the BVNA website in the members’ section.

We have also said farewell to our Editor, David Watson. He will be much missed, but we wish him luck in his new post at Vision Media. He will always remain a friend and honorary member of the BVNA.

Despite these changes, we are still working with an excellent production team to maintain the high quality expected of the VNJ, with useful and informative features, CPD and BVNA news. So, rest assured that the publication is in safe hands and continue to enjoy it!

The RCVS VN council elections resulted in a familiar face, Hilary Orpet, and a new face, Amber Richards, being voted on to the council. BVNA wishes both of them all the best in their council positions. The number of VNs voting was disappointing this year, falling from 1,329 votes last year to 1,157. It is sad to hear that many RVNs are not engaging in their profession. We are all working towards regulation but we need that interest in your own profession to move forward.

The Northern Ireland VN awards ceremony was certainly full of inspiring VNs who are taking their profession seriously. This year’s N1 Veterinary Nurse of the Year is Helen Gourley, from Cedar Grove Veterinary Clinic in Belfast. One client who nominated Helen praised the time she took to explain things in simple terms and the support she offered.

We also heard that one other nominee stood out for judges: Emma Addy was nominated for her efforts helping stray and feral animals. At BVNA we certainly agree with Susie Hill from Hill’s Pet Nutrition who said: ‘Once again, I’ve been humbled by the efforts of veterinary nurses who care so passionately for their patients and animals across the community.’

Our own BVNA elections have seen the appointment of four new council members and we hope to introduce you to them in the next few issues of VNJ, before they are officially ratified into council at our AGM in October.

After reading the stories in this issue, I am proud of those who promote our profession, whether through supporting clients or supporting other VNs on councils and committees. All are spending extra time building this profession. For those of you who say you just don’t have enough time to do anything else, I will leave you with this thought from H. Jackson Brown’s Life’s Little Instruction Book:

‘Don’t say you don’t have enough time. You have exactly the same number of hours per day that were given to Helen Keller, Pasteur, Michelangelo, Mother Teresa, Leonardo da Vinci, Thomas Jefferson, and Albert Einstein.’

Sam Morgan CertEd, DipAVN(Medical & Surgical), RVN

To cite this editorial, use either
DOI: 10.1111/vnj.12154 or Veterinary Nursing Journal VOL 29 p224

• VOL 29 • July 2014 • Veterinary Nursing Journal