Welcome to your new look VNJ! We hope you enjoy this issue – we’d value your feedback if you have a moment to get in touch.

You may have noticed that your copy came in a paper envelope and it has been printed on paper which hasn’t been heavily processed, to help lower VNJ’s environmental impact in regard to the BVNA’s Investors in the Environment Bronze Award. 

If you want to opt out of receiving a printed copy and would prefer to receive it as a digital journal instead, just go into your BVNA membership account. We’ve made this an option in response to feedback about environmental sustainability. 

Inside the journal, we’ve added a notes section where you can write your learnings for your 1CPD reflective record. Where available, we’ve also added hyperlinks to the references which you can access via the digital journal. As part of the new look, VNJ is transitioning from the Harvard to the Vancouver referencing style, so there may be a mixture of both styles during this transition period. Finally, we’ve changed the design of the articles to make them more accessible to neurodivergent readers.

Get involved

Visit the BVNA website for details on how to get involved with the Journal, such as by uploading photographs of a favourite patient, saying ‘thank you’ to a colleague, or submitting an interesting case study. There are template documents to help you.

We are keen for readers to get more involved with the BVNA, and VNJ is a good way for you to put questions to the BVNA Council, reply to opinion pieces or share comments. Email your thoughts to: vnj@bvna.co.uk.

Stakeholder updates

The Journal will also keep you up to date on how stakeholder organisations represent the vet nursing profession. For example, VN Futures is keeping the sustainability of the veterinary nursing profession in mind and has developed two short videos, aimed at young children, about the VN role. It also has resources you can use when visiting local schools on career days. Visit www.vnfutures.org.uk for further information.

The BVNA is leading the VN Futures Diversity and Inclusivity working group (DIWG), and you may have already seen role models sharing their stories to inspire new people from all backgrounds to join the veterinary nursing profession. 

Doggie diary

On a personal note, you’ll be glad to hear that Luci and Lily (pictured) are very well and even vaguely behaving themselves! They’re helping me with my neighbour’s two little bichon frise: Molly and Marley. It can be a bit scary when they’re all running around the garden; I’m worried Lily will go into full lurcher mode and eat them. They aren’t much bigger than the rabbits she chases and they’re definitely smaller than the muntjac she races with in the woods. Luci just looks confused by these small white bundles of fluff racing around and pinching his bed and, to be fair, they aren’t very white when they get home.

I hope 2022 develops into a good year for you. Take time for yourself and ask for help when you need it. Have the confidence to reach for your goals – you can do it! Please keep in touch and don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any questions, content ideas or submission queries.  

Nikki Ruedisueli

Post nominal RVN, VNJ Editor, Head of Learning and Development at British Veterinary Nursing Association
